[2.4.0] Chinto Section-2 Bunkai (Counter to an Overhead Bo Strike)

[2.4.0] Chinto Section-2 Bunkai (Counter to an Overhead Bo Strike)

[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Moderate

Information:  This same series of techniques can be used to defend different strikes. In 2.2.0 the defense was against a thrust, but in this series the strike is a downward blow with the end of the Bo.

Part-1 Attacker: Strikes Downward with the End of the Bo

  • Attacker strikes down with the end of the Bo.

Note: Not all bunkai interpretation deals with assailant’s that is unarmed as stated already.

Part-2 Defender: Trap Weapon, Spear-finger Strike, Hook-punch, Snap-Punch
  • Turn on a 45° angle and pull back into a cat stance

Warning: Do not try to stop the strike with your forearm. Use a parry to push the Bo outside your body and trap the weapon.

Note: Turning on an angle, makes you less vulnerable to taking the full impact of the strike. Pushing the blow outside your body by deflection, is the safest way to deal with this attack. Do not try to stop and overhead strike using the traditional “X” block, or you could be injured.

  • The (LH) parry-blocks the end of the weapon outside your body.
  • Trap the end of the Bo with the right forearm. (RH)

Information:  This trapping is what appears to be a traditional “X” block in the kata. Many systems demonstrate this same technique by placing one hand forwards followed by the other hand slightly outside the shoulder-line to create what appears to be a “X” block when performing the kata while others simply thrust both hands forward in one motion. Shimabuku sensei uses the two-step method when performing the kata.

Warning: Once the grasp is made you must always keep one hand on the weapon to prevent being struck.

  • Grasp the Bo with the left-hand. (LH)
  • Palm up finger strike to the attacker’s throat or any soft tissue area. (RH)

Note: The palm is up to prevent the attacker from dropping their chin down on your hand hyper extending your fingers.

  • Grasp the Bo with the hand that just delivered the palm up spear-finger strike. (RH)
  • Continue to hold the weapon and back-knuckle strike the attacker’s temple. (LH)
  • Grasp the Bo with the hand that just delivered the back-knuckle strike. (LH)
  • Hook-Punch over weapon to Xiphoid process. (RH)

[End Series]

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