[4.2.0] Chinto Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Overhead Weapons Strike

[4.2.0] Chinto Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to a Overhead Weapons Strike)
[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt][Weapon Defense]
Part-1 Attacker: Tries to Strike Overhead with a Club or Bo
Theory: These defense theories are defense techniques against weapons other than firearms. There were not a large number of firearms in Okinawa when the form was developed.
Part-2 Defender: “X” block and Trap the Weapon
- Step forty-five degrees
- Parry the blow to the outside of your body. (LH)
- Trap the Bo with your forearm (RH)
Note: This looks like an X-Block slightly to the side.
- Control weapon with left hand.
Warning: Try to catch the attackers’ arms and not the weapon if possible. If you try to block a weapon your arm, it will be broken. If you try to stop the end of the weapon you will receive the maximum force a weapon can deliver. Get outside and as close the attacker’s wrists as possible when stopping a striking weapon.
Part-3 Defender: Double Kicks [Loosening Technique]
- Hang onto the weapon with left hand for balance and double front kick to attacker’s thighs and then the torso, rib cage area, groin, or solar plexus.
Information: If the attacker has control of the weapon, go on the offensive as quickly as possible to aid in controlling and removing the weapon.
Part-4 Defender: Control the Weapon and Repositioning
- Controlling the weapon with left hand, pull back and to the side.
- Change control of the weapon to the right hand.
Warning: Even if you need to change your grasp you must always control the weapon. Keep one hand on the weapon always.
Part-5 Defender: Remove the Weapon
Note: Attack the opponent’s wrist holding the weapon. Pull forward with the left shuto against the attacker’s wrist and push back on the weapon with the right hand. Pressure is placed on the thumb and the weapon should be pried from the attacker’s hand.
Information: The thumb is the weakest link in the grip. Always attack the weakest link to remove and control the weapon. Even when you are armed, attack the attacker’s hands and wrists. If they cannot hold the weapon the weapon is no longer a threat.
Part-6 Defender: Remove the Weapon [Continued]
- If the attacker maintains control of the weapon, spin 180 degrees to increase leverage against the weapon.
- Throw the attacker by dragging him/her over your back leg if they refuse to release the weapon.