[4.4.0] Chinto Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[4.4.0] Chinto Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to a Lapel Grab)
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Double Lapel Grabs
Part-2 Defender: Lapel Choke
- Slip your hands over his/her arms and grab the attacker’s collar.
- Pull back into a Cat stance pressing your elbows into the attacker’s arms to break attacker’s balance forwards.
- Slip your hands into a cross lapel choke.
- Continue to drop your body weight down pulling down on the choke.
Note: The attacker may become unconscious, and if that happens the fight is over.
Part-3 Attacker: Resists the Choke
Part-4 Defender: Lapel Choke and Throw [Continued]
- Drop down pulling down on the choke until the attacker moves downward and forward.
- Jumping knee Strike the opponent.
Note: If the attacker is knocked out, the fight is over.
Note: This technique is a Jumping knee Strike in this bunkai, but if the attacker pulls away by pulling backwards this could become a jumping kick. Distance determines the technique.
- If you can maintain the choke, pull the attacker down as you land, and when the attacker leans forward, yank the cross-choke forward to break their balance.
- Quickly turn 180˚ and drag the attacker over your hip or leg and throw him/her to the ground. (Ogoshi-Tai-otoshi)
Rule: If an attacker grasps your lapels, it is to control your movement. It could be for a throw or to set-up a sucker punch.
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