[4.4.3] Chinto Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Lapel Grab (Variation)

[4.4.3] Chinto Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to a Lapel Grab)(Variation)

[Source:] [Goju-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Lapel grabs
Part-2 Defender: Drives X-block down on top of Attacker’s Elbow Joint
  • Strike downwards on the attacker’s elbow joint and step backwards.
  • Grab the back of the attacker’s neck.

Rule: Do not interlace your fingers or they will get broken when you grab the back of the attacker’s neck for a knee strike.

  • Knee strike.
  • Pull the attacker face down to the ground.
Part-2 Defender: Alternative Drive Elbows down on Top of Attacker’s Elbow Joint and Throws
  • Strike downwards on the attacker’s elbow joint and step backwards.
  • Grab the back of the attacker’s neck.

Rule: Do not interlace your fingers or they will get broken when you grab the back of the attacker’s neck for a knee strike.

  • Knee strike.
  • Drop backwards and throw with Tomoe-nage.

[End Series]


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