[3.3.1] Sunsu Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Attacker’s Reach

[3.3.1] Sunsu Section-3 Bunkai (Counter to a Attacker’s Reach)
[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Reaches Forward with Both Hands
Part-2 Defender: Twin Spear Finger Strikes
- Twin spear finger strike to the attacker’s abdomen.
Note: This will impede the attacker’s trying to grab you.
Part-3 Attacker: The Attacker Grabs Your Wrists.
Part-4 Defender: Wrist Escape, Grasp, Break Attacker’s Balance, and Counterattack
- Execute a snake-hands escape and grasp the opponent’s wrists.
- Pull the attacker forward and break his/her balance.
Information: It takes practice to locate the striking points on the neck. This takes training to execute.
Rule: If the attacker is reaching for your lapels or clothing it is to control your movement or throw you.
[End Series]
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