Heisoku-dachi: (Hay-sue-koo Daw-chee) 

Feet Together Beginning Bow Position

Heisoku-dachi: (Hay-sue-koo Daw-chee) 

The attention stance is the middle section of the of the formal Isshin-Ryu bow. All military disciplines start with attention. Attention signifies personal discipline. This too is not a fighting position, yet it can be used to place the opponent at ease and allow for a quick attack. With the feet pointing straight, you can initiate a linear attack while standing in a non-threatening position. It is somewhat like a sprinter getting prepared to come out of the blocks in a race. Moving backwards can be difficult if the opponent initiates the attack.

  • Keep back is straight.
  • Keep the chin up, head straight, and eyes forward.
  • Keep the feet together side-by-side with toes touching.
  • The hands are at the side in a shuto position with the thumbs tucked.
  • Keep the knees slightly bent pointing straight ahead.
  • Its’ balance is broken by pushing forward.
  • The Groin and centerline vital striking points are exposed.
  • Angular movement is limited.
  • The outer sides of the knees are exposed to low round shin kicks.
  • It enables a quick forward movement.
  • This is a non-threatening stance that allows the karateka forward movement while standing in a non-threatening natural stance. Weight can quickly be distributed to the toes for faster movement.
  • Balance is good side-to-side.
  • The close proximity of the feet impedes hip rotation in kicking and reduces power, but forward snap kicks can easily be thrown.
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