AOKK Traditional Isshin-ryu: Parry Block

AOKK Traditional Isshin-ryu: Parry Block
This block first appears in Chart-one or upper body technique number fourteen. The block is made with the palm of the hand. The rear arm crosses in front of the centerline targets and is pulled to the obi (belt) the shoulders rotate as the lead hand moves across the chest. The shoulder rotation also moves the centerline targets. The palm of the hand moves horizontally across the chest armpit to armpit.
This is a viable blocking technique. All blocks are merely deflections of some type of blow. In the low, middle, or high block they are also strikes. This is one technique that only deflects a blow without inflicting pain. The standing rule of the AOKK is I touch you I hurt you. This is the one exception.
In Isshin ryu the horizontal parry block is the only acceptable parry, but in the AOKK we believe the parry can be made downward or upward as well.
If your push the opponent’s punch to the inside of their body, it blocks their ability to throw a counterpunch because their own arm is in the way.