AOKK Isshin-ryu Traditional: Twin Forearm Block

AOKK Isshin-ryu Traditional: Twin Forearm Block
This is an advanced block. It can be utilized without footwork or with footwork. This block is found in modern boxing and is used when a fighter is trapped in the corner of the ring. Boxing did not invent this block. It has been part of karate since the Sanchin kata was first practiced on Okinawa. The forearms can be closed or opened as needed. You can rotate your hips to block attacks from the side. This block can be coupled with other blocks. You can step to the outside of an attack. The forearms absorb the blows that protect the centerline targets. The block is made as you step into Sanchin stance. The arms cross and wedge to the outside of you body. Hands can be in fists or open hands.