AOKK Kumite: Slipping Technique

AOKK Kumite Slipping Technique
Slipping is moving to avoid a straight punch. Movement is made from the hips and can be side to side or backwards to get out of the range of the punch. This move should be used in concert with a parry block to cover the face and get out of the line of attack. Slipping and moving forward allows you to get closer to the opponent to deliver your blows by letting him/her move toward you. The second you execute the parry and push the opponent’s punch away, step forward and transfer your weight to the lead leg while rotating the hips to counterattack by delivering a hook or cross to the opponent’s body. Slipping alone is not enough.
The best way to practice this is with body armor. Too many students stand in the center of the mat and simply slug it out. The rule is “The best way to not get hit is to not be there.” A good fighter makes the opponent burn energy by slipping their punches. It also creates a large amount of frustration when the opponent cannot be hit cleanly. Speed up the attacks and make this a two-man set with body armor, so the skills can be improved. Realistic attacks develop the student’s cues. This will prevent them from being surprised in a fight. They will see the attack coming before it happens.