AOKK Kumite Stepping Techniques:

AOKK Kumite Stepping Techniques:
Stepping outside is one of the first body evasion techniques that should be taught. The rule is “The best way to not get hit is to not be there.” Stepping is the first step. It is only a begging portion of footwork. The best way to develop these skills is by wearing body armor and allowing the students to gradually make faster attacks. This can become a game. The attacker must move quickly. This helps the student to recognize the cues of a potential attack. They will learn to recognize the shoulder movement and rising up on toes to even seeing the opponent’s respiration increase. The best way to make a milkshake is to throw the ice-cream into the blender.
- (Attacker) One student will attack with a lunging technique.
- (Defender) The other student will parry and step to the side.
Note: This also allows the student to practice some form of blocking along with the footwork.