AOKK Kumite: Straight Right

AOKK Kumite: Straight Right
The straight right would be the equivalent of a Reveres Punch in karate. It moves straight to the attacker’s chin. Again, the fighter should be in a balanced stance for this punch. It is a power punch that can be directed to the opponent’s chin, solar plexus, or ribs. Power is generated with the shoulder rotation, arm speed, and weight transfer. A small amount of power is generated from the slight hip rotation of this punch, but the majority is from the shoulder rotation and weight transfer. This punch is a variation of the Cross. Remember the closest distance between two points is a straight line.
Transferring your weight as the punch is delivered makes this a power punch. A power punch takes longer to develop, so you’re somewhat vulnerable in the delivery of this punch. Remember to get back into the balanced stance as quickly as possible and bring the elbows back to cover the ribs.
Range is a delicate balance with this punch. If you overextend the punch the ribs are unprotected, but if it is not thrown with enough extension, you lose your reach advantage. Jamming this punch limits the weight transfer and shoulder rotation, thus it limits the punches power. You must know your range to make this punch affective.
Great effort should be placed on the practice of tucking the chin behind the punching arm for maximum protection of the jaw. The shoulder rotation brings the shoulder forward and slightly places the solar plexus on an angel, this makes a solar plexus strike more difficult to land, but it is open to a hook. Extending the arm opens the ribs on the side of the punching arm, so a lead leg jab under the arm can take your wind.
Punch Mechanics:
- Start in a guarding position with the lead hand (LH) and leg forward (LL). The rear power hand (RH) covers the chin.
- Rotate the shoulders throwing the (RH) power hand forward.
- Tuck the chin behind the punching arm.
- Rotate the hips pivoting on the rear foot (RF). Step sideways slightly with the lead leg (LL).
- Transfer your weight to the lead leg bringing your body weight forward behind the punch.
- Pull the lead hand back to cover the side of your head, as the punch is delivered, and tuck the lead elbow against your ribs. Open the lead hand and turn the palm towards the opponent. [This protects the ribs and jaw.] [The open hand prepares a parry block if needed.]
- Move out of the opponent’s circle of combat and back into the guarding position.