AOKK Kumite: Uppercut

AOKK Kumite: Uppercut
The Uppercut is a power punch too. It slides upward between the opponent’s guard. This punch is also delivered from a balanced stance. Look at the opponent’s guarding position. If his/her elbows are away from the ribs, that’s when the uppercut is most effective. This punches power is not generated from hip rotation, but from the karateka’s legs. Before this punch is deliver bend the knees, so the punch can be driven upward. Slide the lead hand in front of your chin for protection. The major target is the point of the opponent’s chin. Once his/her chin is lifted it is advisable to follow with a cross or fight your way out. Lastly fall back and cover up if the opponent’s knees do not buckle.
If an opponent covers-up by pushing his/her forearms together, simply drive your hook punch around and into his/her ribs. As you’re backing out keep the opponent from charging you with a Straight Right or a Power Jab.
Punch Mechanics:
- Start in a guarding position with the lead hand (LH) and leg forward (LL). The rear power hand (RH) covers the chin.
- Jab punch
- Bend the knees
- Pull the power hand back so the elbow ticks against the ribs.
- Pull the lead hand back to cover the side of your head
- Rotate the shoulders and pull the jab back to cover the head.
- Drive the uppercut between the opponent’s arms to the chin.
- Explode upward with the legs as the punch is being delivered.
- Jab punch
- Move out of the opponent’s circle of combat and back into the guarding position.