AOKK Isshin-ryu [Front Snap Kick from Cat Stance]

AOKK Isshin-ryu [Front Snap Kick from Cat Stance]
The student sets back into a Cat stance and lead leg snap kicks. Pull the heel back against the thigh. When the stance is set snap the foot forward striking with the ball of the foot. As quickly as the foot went out it must be pulled back. The leg then returns to its original placement within the stance.
This kick is a version of the jab used by a fighter to keep the opponent off balance. Striking to the same point on the thigh, with the lead leg snap kick, over and over can also cause enough trauma to an attacker’s leg that their ability to move degenerates giving you an advantage. The execution of this kick is in range-two. Grasp the opponent to maintain your balance and to keep the adversary in your circle of combat.
If the student is taught to step and fight on angles this kick can be used in a variety of applications. If you step on an angle and grasp the attacker, the kick can be delivered while breaking the opponent’s balance forward. Stepping on an angle, when attacked with a reverse punch, the karateka can target the attacker’s hip socket. The cat stance gives you distance to set up the lead leg snap kick.