AOKK Kumite Knee and Shin Block

AOKK Kumite Knee and Shin Block
In kumite we block kicks to legs with legs and blows above the waist with arms and non-traditional kumite blocks like shoulders and elbows. To block with the legs pressing a knee into the opponent’s thigh as the lift to kick can impede the blows effectiveness. Driving the knee into the top of an opponent’s thigh when you’re in range-two can limit the opponent’s kicking ability. When outside range-two, the block can be made with the shin. Try to catch the kick at the opponent’s ankle with the shin. The block with the shin is made by turning the knee on a forty-five-degree angle. You cannot stop the kick with the thigh. The thigh muscle can be damaged if it catches repeated blows. Once the thigh muscle is damaged it impedes your movement.
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