AOKK Kumite: Support Leg Shin Kick

AOKK Kumite: Support Leg Shin Kick
Warning: This is not an acceptable technique during kumite, but in a life preservation situation it is a viable technique.
The support leg shin-kick is delivered like the round-kick. The striking area is the shin or the top of the foot. This kick is strong and has full hip rotation. This kick is aimed to the calf, ankle, or Achilles tendon. The kick must be delivered quickly and sweep through the support leg. This kick is intended to inflict damage when it takes the attacker down.
The weakness with this kick is that it takes perfect timing. You must first block the opponent’s high kick and then immediately execute your back leg sweep. Trapping the attacker’s leg and sweeping their foot is a better takedown. This type of sweep is a more traditional method, using the bottom of the foot, to facilitate the throw.