AOKK Isshin-ryu: Crossover Heel Kick

AOKK Isshin-ryu: Crossover Heel Kick
The crossover heal kick is delivers from a forward balanced stance off the back leg. The knee comes forward, as in a front kick, but turns outside the karateka’s body when the leg passes the lead support leg. It the cross in front of the karateka’s body moving forward and down. The striking part of the foot is the heel or arch.
This kick target knees, thighs, or hips. It can dislocate a knee by striking to the side of the joint. A crossover heel kick to an opponent’s hip, as they’re moving forward, can jam a kick or a rushing attack. A crossover kick to the backside of the opponent’s lead leg can sweep the attacker’s knee forward and down as in the forty-five-degree blade kick lead leg sweep.
Note: This kick should begin with the knee moving forward like a front kick to disguise the technique. As the knee passes the support leg the knee pushes out on a forty-five degree angle, so the kick can be delivered. This same movement can be used to knee block an opponent’s kick. The kick is like a stomp.