AOKK Isshin ryu: [Double Jumping Front Kick] [Chinto Kata]

AOKK Isshin ryu: [Double Jumping Front Kick] [Chinto Kata]

Double jumping front kick uses the front leg to pump the second kick into the air. The first kick can also be utilized as part of the attack. This kick eliminates the loss of power and speed when kicking above the waist by raising the kicker’s hip line. The first knee coming up warns the defender of a potential front snap kick, but as it is going down the second front kick is delivered. This will catch the novice off guard every time. This is a very tricky and powerful kick.

The weakness is the veteran fighter will wait for the second kick and step to the side. After getting out of the way, he/she will push up on the last kicking leg sending the kicker off balance and to the floor. I have personal experience in the area of this counter, and the landing was painful

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