AOKK Kumite: Over Hand Right

AOKK Kumite: Over Hand Right
The Over Hand Right is a power punch. It circles over and down towards the opponent’s head. This punch is delivered from a balanced stance. Look at the opponent’s guarding position. If his/her hands are held low going over the top is effective. Tuck your chin behind the punch to protect your chin. The major target is the point of the opponent’s chin. When the opponent adjusts their guard by raising it begin throwing uppercuts and hooks. Most power hand blows are linear, and the guard is designed to defend against this attack. This hand drops down from above blocking box. The goal of this punch is to knock the opponent out.
Punch Mechanics:
- Start in a guarding position with the lead hand (LH) and leg forward (LL). The rear power hand (RH) covers the chin.
- Jab punch
- Bend the knees
- Pull the jab back to cover the side of your head
- Rotate the shoulders and throw the punch in an arch.
- Tuck your chin behind the punch.
- Drive this punch downward to the opponent’s head while transferring your weight from the back leg to the front leg.
- This punch is a full body punch. It is all or nothing.
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