AOKK Kumite: Front Leg Round Kick

AOKK Kumite: Front Leg Round Kick
This kick is delivered from a side stance, and the striking area is with the shin or instep. This kick is best situated for kicking soft tissue areas and is used like a boxer’s jab used to keep the opponent off balance. It is quicker than the Back Leg Turn kick but has limited power. Also, the side stance limits the backside weapons. Footwork moving from the side stance to forward balanced stance must be practiced if you’re adding this kick to your arsenal.
The downside is that a properly placed elbow into the instep can shut down the leg and ankle. If the leg is not pulled back fast enough it can be trapped and used to take the kicker to the ground. The kicker is also vulnerable when making the stance transition. You must also get the kick down before it can be trapped. Once the kick lands rotate your hips and drive a punch to the attacker’s head and get out of range.