AOKK Kumite: Lead Leg Front Kick

AOKK Kumite: Lead Leg Front Kick
Lead leg front-kick is delivered with a snapping motion. A few karateka deliver this kick by dropping back into a cat stance to create distance. The striking area is the is the top or ball of the foot. The top of the foot is only used as to strike the groin. This kick is quick and moves back as fast as it goes out. This kick can be thrown in multiples with the same leg to the same target. It can also be used to keep a charging opponent off balance. It is like the upper body jab, but it is with the leg to the opponent’s legs.
The target area is either the bladder, thigh, or groin. To strike the groin, the kick needs to be scooped upwards. The lead leg is a less effective kick compared to the rear leg, but if the lead leg ball of the foot is driven into the opponent’s thigh muscles enough, it can cause the leg muscles to tighten up impeding the opponent’s mobility.