AOKK Advanced Kicking Technique: Spinning Side Kick

AOKK Advanced Kicking Technique: Spinning Side Kick
This kick uses a spinning motion to increase the power generated in the kick by centrifugal motion. It too is executed from the side-kick starting stance. The front leg is used as the pivoting support leg. The danger in this kick is that at one point the karateka’s back is turned to his/her opponent. This flies in the face of the unwritten karate rule that states never turn your back in a fight. Spinning side-kick may be the exception.
It can be used to bridge the gap and catch an opponent off guard. If the opponent is over aggressive, he/she may believe that move is the beginning of a retreat and run into the kick as they attack.
One method of stopping this kick is to rush forward to jam the technique while you’re back turned. If the opponent advances, during the spin and gets behind you, target the spine and kidneys of the opponent. By lowering the kicking leg, during the spin, this technique can also be delivered to the back of the opponent’s legs or knees as a sweep.