AOKK Advanced Kicking Technique: Spinning Outside Crescent Kick

AOKK Advanced Kicking Technique: Spinning Outside Crescent Kick
This kick is executed from a forward stance. Bringing the back leg forward and planning it as the pivot point while twisting the shoulders to create a spinning motion, the kick is delivered with the lead leg. As you’re about to come 360˚ around kick the lead leg forward and lock the knee. Point the toes as your momentum carries you around and down stepping back into a forward stance. The striking part of the foot is the side and top.
This is not a great kick. It takes too long to develop and places tremendous strain on the sides of the knees when contact is made. Try this kick on a bag and you’ll notice the downside quickly. Not only is it slow, it exposes the spine to attack. It looks good in demonstration and in the movies but can cause you to blow out a knee if contact is made or if countered properly opens the spine and kidneys to attack.