[4.3.5] Seiuchin Section-4 Bunkai: Counter Lapel Grab

[4.3.5] Seiuchin Section-4 Bunkai: Counter Lapel Grab

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Lapel    
Part-2 Defender: Finger-lock            
  • Weave your arm between the attacker’s arm (RH).
  • Grasp your (RH) with your (LH).
  • Rotate your arms and push the opponent’s forearm up and forwards to remove the opponent’s grasp.
  • Step into a horse stance and drive a hammer-fist to their solar-plexus or liver (LH).

Note: The thumb of the left-hand wraps around the wrist of the right hand.

Note: A strong enough strike to the liver can drop an opponent to the ground.

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