[3.6.0] Seisan Section-3 Bunkai: (Counter to a Wrist Grab)

[3.6.0] Seisan Section-3 Bunkai: (Counter to a Wrist Grab)
[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Note: Too many times the push pull motion in kata is associated with a punch. It can be a punch , but it can also be a means to break the adversary’s balance. This can be used to set up a choke, lock, or throw. Keep an open mind when dealing with bunkai. When we call everything a punch, we limit our world of self-defense.
Part-1 Attacker: Grasps Your Wrist
- Attacker grabs your right wrist with their left hand. (LH)
Part-2 Defender: Elbow Strike, Choke, Throw
- Grasp the attacker’s right hand with your left hand.
- Pull the opponent’s right hand to your left hip.
Note: This is a distraction. It also breaks the attacker’s balance.
- Punch past the attacker’s left ear with your right hand.
- Strike the attacker with your right elbow.
- Wrap your arm around the attacker’s neck and create a guillotine choke.
Alternate: Finishing technique.
- Drive a knee strike to the attacker.
- Throw the opponent with Tome-nage
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