[2.1.1.] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-1: (Figure-8 Block and Strike)

[2.1.1.] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-1: (Figure-8 Block and Strike)

(Kata Series 1) (Step-1&2)  

Note: Shi Shi-No-Kun is the most Chinese weapon form in the Isshin-ryu curriculum. This kata flows more than the other more static weapons forms.         

  • Horizontal Strike
  • Block the attacker’s weapon away with the front of the Bo and push the weapon away.
  • Strike and push the weapon away with the rear of the Bo as the front of the weapon is pulled back to your left hip.

Note: The front of the Bo rests against your left biceps.

  • Strike with the front of the Bo as you pull the rear of the Bo to your left hip.
  • Strike with the rear of the weapon as the front of the Bo is pulled to your right hip.
  • Strike with the front of the Bo as the weapon is pulled to your left hip.
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