[11.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-11: (Circular Low Block, Instep Strike)

[11.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-11: (Circular Low Block, Instep Strike)

(Kata Series 10) (Step-29,30,31,32,33,34,35)

Note: When faced by attackers front and back this bunkai is to teach the need to create distance. Rule: You cannot allow the adversaries to get behind you. You must keep them in view.

Attacker #1:
  • Steps in front of defender.
Attacker #2:
  • Steps in behind defender.
  • Turn sideways and pull the Bo into a guarding position.

Note: In a real confrontation you would step backwards slightly to get both attacker’s in your peripheral vision.

  • Look to the front and the rear.

Note: This is to look the attacker’s down to keep them from attacking immediately.

  • Rotate your shoulders and thrust the Bo into the second attacker.

Note: This is to get the attacker to step backwards and to get the second attacker to move forwards.

Attacker #2:

  • Steps forwards to attack.


  • Turn and thrust the Bo into the second attacker.


  • Steps forwards to attack.


  • Turn and thrust the Bo into the first attacker.
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