[17.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-17: (Skull Cracker)

[17.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-17: (Skull Cracker)

(Kata Series 14) (Step-46,47)                  

At the end of most kata the Bo is rolled under the arm prior to the bow. This too is a portion of a self-defense response.

  • The Bo is in the middle guarding position.
  • Step sideways.

Note: This removes the centerline targets.

  • Thrust the Bo inside the opponent’s weapon between the attacker’s arm and the weapon.
  • Twist the Bo in a circular motion to strip the weapon from the opponent’s hands.
  • Step forward and drive the butt of the Bo over and to the top of the attacker’s head
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