[3.1.1] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-1: (Overhead Horizontal Poke)

[3.1.1] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-1: (Overhead Horizontal Poke)

(Kata Series 1) (Step-2)  

Note: When poking the Bo forwards do not pull the lead hand backwards. The lead hand must remain in place to make the deception possible. The Bo slides through the lead hand.

  • Diagonal Strike
  • Horizontal block with the rear of the Bo.
  • Lift the back of the weapon upwards until the Bo is horizontal.
  • Push the Bo forwards through your lead hand.

Note: The push is made with the rear hand. The poke is made to the attacker’s face.

  • Crossbody diagonal strike with the end of the Bo.
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