[3.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-3: (Hand Change, Horizontal Strike)

[3.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-3: (Hand Change, Horizontal Strike)
(Kata Series 1) (Step-4)
Note: The Bo is pushed and pulled with the lead hand. At times you may need to reposition your lead hand or change grips on the weapon without lifting your hand from the weapon. Pressure can be applied with the fingers and the thumb to manipulate the weapon. It can also be pushed via the palm and fingers. If you fingers become injured, you can simply rotate your grip by turning your lead hand from thumb forward to little finger forwards without lifting your hand from the weapon. This way you never lose control of the Bo. Some kobudo students believe this is a stronger grip, but it exposes more of the small bones of the hand once the palm faces downward. If you thumb gets injured you may be forced to change to this position.
- Thrust the Bo tip Forward.
- Change hand on the Bo and horizontal block the attack. Strike the opponent’s lead hand if possible.
- Block downward on the adversary’s Bo.
Note: The goal is to knock the attacker’s weapon from his/her hand if possible.
- Diagonal strike to the attacker’s head with the rear of the Bo.