[5.1.1] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-5: (Overhead Circular Strike)

[5.1.1] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-5: (Overhead Circular Strike)

(Kata Series 1) (Step-3,4,5)  

Note: The poke sets-up the strip.

  • Overhead Circular Block.
  • Step Backward and block the strike with the rear of the Bo. (LH Forwards)
  • Rotate the Bo underhand CW and strike with the front of the Bo. (RH Forwards)
  • Rotate the front of the Bo overhead executing a circular outside strike. (LH Forwards)

Note: The rear of the Bo tucks under your armpit.

Rule: You set-up a strike to the head by first striking low.

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