[7.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-7: (Vertical Strikes)

[7.1.1] Urashi-no-Kun Bunkai Series-7: (Vertical Strikes)

(Kata Series 3) (Step-8&9)

Note: This bunkai teaches the horizontal and vertical strikes.

  • Thrust the Bo forwards.
  • Horizontal strike & block the thrust with the front of the Bo.
  • Horizontal strike to the attacker’s hand/ribs with the rear of the Bo.
  • Pulls back into a guarding position and low strike to the defender’s legs.
  • Block the strike to the legs with the rear of the Bo
  • Strike to the head with the front of the Bo.
  • High Horizontal Push Block
  • Horizontal strike the ribs right and left.
  • Thrust the Bo to the attacker’s solar-plexus.
  • Hook the opponent’s lead hand and pull the wrist away from the Bo.
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