[8.1.1] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-8: (Vertical Strikes)

[8.1.1] Shi Shi-No-Kun Bunkai Series-8: (Vertical Strikes)

(Kata Series 2) (Step-11,12,13,14)  
  • Diagonal strike to the legs with the front of the weapon.
  • Underhand block the low strike with the front of the weapon. (RH Forward)

Note: The Bo rests on right biceps.

Rule: Strike low to set up a strike high, so if you’ve blocked low automatically strike high.

  • Execute a Crossbody strike with the front of the Bo.
  • Attacker underhand blocks the defender’s crossbody diagonal strike with the rear of their weapon.
  • Execute a CW Horizontal Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo
  • Vertical Push Block the defender’s horizontal strike.
  • Execute an under-hand vertical strike with the front of the Bo.
  • Execute a downward vertical strike with the backend of the Bo.
  • Execute a Crossbody strike with the front of the Bo.
  • Execute a poke.
  • Execute a Strip.

Note: The vertical push block is susceptible to vertical strikes and thrusts. The thrust should always be followed by a strip.

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