[5.1.7] Seiuchin Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[5.1.7] Seiuchin Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch
[Source:] Shorin-ryu Black Belt
[Rating:] Basic
Information: This Technique’s interpretation comes from a Shorin ryu master on Okinawa. The explanation of technique, he claims, comes directly from Bushi Matsumura. Matsumura taught this as simultaneous technique. Simultaneous technique is the advanced techniques of karate. Blocking and striking happen in one fluid movement, so the opponent does not have time to counterattack. In this demonstration the simultaneous technique prevents the attacker from striking with their other hand.
Part-1 Attacker: Reverse Punches.
Part-2 Defender: Double Shutos
- Step inside the punch with body evasion.\
- Simultaneously shuto block the punch, with the rear hand, and shuto strike to the opponent’s carotid plexus (neck) with the other.
Note: Trap the attacker’s wrist with the rear hand.
Note: Body evasion is also an advanced karate technique. Movement is instrumental to prevent being hit with a counterattack.
Part-2 Defender: AOKK added Technique
- Trap the attacker’s neck and drive a hammer-fist to the attacker’s temple.
- Grasp the neck and attacker’s collar.
- Turn and throw the opponent over your leg tai-otoshi.
Information: In the AOKK’s version, after the simultaneous double shuto technique, the lead hand would grasp the attacker’s neck or collar and follow it with a hammer-fist strike with the other hand to the opponent’s temple. Lastly grasp the attacker’s neck and collar while turning to throw him/her over your rear leg with tai-otoshi.