[10.5.1] Chinto Section-10 Bunkai (Counter to a Single Lapel Grab)

[10.5.1] Chinto Section-10 Bunkai (Counter to a Single Lapel Grab)
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Moderate
Note: There are two versions of the throw found in this kata. The first throw is a straightforward overhead figure -four shoulder-lock with Tai-otoshi. The second is a spinning Tai-otoshi throw via an overhead figure-four shoulder lock.
Note: In karate throws are set-up by punches, kicks, chokes, and locks. In judo they’re set-up by pushing, pulling, lifting, and twisting the opponent. The loosening technique in this bunkai is the twin strikes with the forearms or fists. This gets the opponent to loosen their grip so that the lock and throw can be applied
Scenario #1 Straight Tai-otoshi
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs one Lapel (to control your movement or break your balance for a throw)
Part-2 Defender: Double Forearm Block
- Your right arm and left arm strike upwards under the attacker’s arms with the forearms.
Note: You can also drive your fists into the attacker’s ribs, or punch between their arms to their fist.
Part-3 Defender: Scissor Blocks (Heaven and Earth)
- Your right drives under the attacker’s wrist while you drive your forearm down on top of the opponent’s elbow.
- Place the attacker in an overhead figure-four shoulder lock.
- Step behind the attacker and throw the attacker over your rear leg with Tai-otoshi.

Scenario #2 Spinning Tai-otoshi
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs one Lapel (to control your movement or break your balance for a throw)
Part-2 Defender: Double Forearm Block
- Your right arm and left arm strike upwards under the attacker’s arms with the forearms.
Note: You can also drive your fists into the attacker’s ribs, or punch between their arms to their fist.
Part-3 Defender: Scissor Blocks (Heaven and Earth)
- Your right drives under the attacker’s wrist while you drive your forearm down on top of the opponent’s elbow.
- Place the attacker in an overhead figure-four shoulder lock.
- Step behind the attacker and spin 360° throwing the attacker over your rear leg with Tai-otoshi.
Note: In karate we use joint locks the execute a throw.