[6.3.0] Seisan Section-6 Bunkai: (Counter to a Lapel Grasp)

[6.3.0] Seisan Section-6 Bunkai: (Counter to a Lapel Grasp)

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black Belt
[Rating:] Moderate  
Part-1 Attacker: Grasps Wrist
Part-2 Defender: Wristlock
  • Wrap your arm around the opponent’s forearm (LH).
  • Trap and bend the attacker’s wrist (RH).

Note: In the real world you will need to kick or punch to set-up this lock because no one will actually let you simply place them in a lock.

  • Place the opponent in a wrist /elbow lock and press their elbow into your chest or side.
  • Turn and rotate your hips while stepping sideways into Seisan dachi pulling the attacker to the side using the lock (Middle Block) to break their balance. Throw them over your lead leg with (kosoto-otoshi) (Minor Outside Body Drop)

Note: Kosoto-otoshi is a weak throw. There is a kick in the next few steps, and this can be interpreted as a reaping type throw. This does not follow the bunkai exactly, but the derivation does not stray too far off the path.

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