[7.5.0] Seisan Section-7 Bunkai: (Counter to a Lapel Grasp)

[7.5.0] Seisan Section-7 Bunkai: (Counter to a Lapel Grasp)
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black Belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Grasps Lapel
Part-2 Defender: Block, Punch and Throw
- Middle block and remove the grasp (LH).
- Punch to solar-plexus (RH).
- Punch to liver (LH).
- Grasp the attacker’s hand or sleeve (LH).
- Kick past the attacker’s leg and reap backwards while pulling the attacker off balance (LH). (Osoto-gari)
- Grasp the attacker’s shoulder and push the opponent backwards (RH) while pulling with the (LH).
Note: This looks like a punch, but it is the push-pull motion that is practiced when you’re punching air while in a horse-stance in karate class. This twists the attacker’s shoulders to break their balance.
[End Series]

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