[8.3.2] Naihanchin Section-8 Bunkai: (Counter to a Lapel Grasp)

[8.3.2] Naihanchin Section-8 Bunkai: (Counter to a Lapel Grasp)
[Source:] Ryuku Kempo Black-belt
Information: In the kata this is done on the right and left side. It does not matter which lapel the opponent grasps. When an attacker grasps your lapel, it is to punch you or to throw you, so you must not hesitate to make the counterattack.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Your Lapels:
- Grasps left lapel.
Part-2 Defender: Forearm Strike and Sweep
- Slide the palm of your hand under the attacker’s grasp with your thumb down and your palm facing outward. (LH)
Note: The attacker will not simply let you place your hand under theirs. It should look like you’re executing a shuto rising block.
- Crossover heel kick to the attacker knee joint. (LL)
- Step down behind the attacker’s leg.
Note: This is a loosening up technique, so the attacker releases his/her grip on the lapel. This must be a hard kick. To finish the series you must place the foot that should made the kick behind the opponent.
- Slide your hand upwards and grasp the opponent’s fingers as they pull away.
Note: The web of your thumb is pointing downward, and the web of the opponent’s thumb should be pointing upwards.
- Move the forearm of the right hand behind the attacker’s wrist and place the attacker in a figure-four wrist and finger lock.
Note: Push backwards on the fingers while pulling the wrist to your chest.
- Rotate your hips and shoulders to throw the attacker over the leg that was placed behind the opponent’s leg. (Kosoto-otoshi)