[SL1.11 Tai-otoshi with Standing Arm-bar

[SL1.11] Standing Arm-bar with Tai-otoshi
Warning: Never practice this technique without a certified AOKK jujitsu instructor present and engaged in your practice.
This is an armbar after a throw. This arm bar requiers the opponent to be thrown face down. Rule#2: Control the weapon. Never take your eyes of the blade. Once the weapon is dropped you musst stop kicking and striking the attacker. Always retreive the weapon and place it in your waistband. Do not kick it away.
- Thrusts a knife forward.
- Side set the attacker’s thrust (Tai sabaki)
- Trap the attacker’s arm or wrist. Control the weapon.
- Step in front of the attacker and throw them with Tai-otoshi.
- Step over the attacker’s arm and place the attacker in an elbow lock.
Note: Do not release the wrist holding the weapon.
- If the attacker does not release the weapon, crossover heel kick to the attacker’s back, ribs, or head.
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