[1.0.0] Seisan Section-1 Bunkai: (Hip and Shoulder Throw Set-up)

[1.0.0] Seisan Section-1 Bunkai: (Hip and Shoulder Throw Set-up)
[Source:] Jujitsu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
There is a debate for and against grappling being part of karate. I believe the bow is the first example of grappling found in karate. In many throws the feet are brought together in what we call the musubi-dachi. If we practice putting the heels together, when you turn to make the throw this position foot will not feel awkward.
Part-1 Attacker: Reaches
Part-2 Defender: Turns and Throws
- Trap the attacker’s hand. (LH)
- Reach under the attacker’s armpit and tie-off. (RH)
- Turn your hips into the attacker breaking the opponent’s balance.
- Pull the attacker up on your back and throw the attacker to the ground.
Note: Point your nose the ground to make the throw.
- Release the attacker and allow them to land on their back.
Note: O-goshi, Koshi-guruma, and Seoi nage use this foot position.

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