[T6.10A] Osoto-otoshi Application: (Counter to a Circular Punch)

[T6.10A] Osoto-otoshi Application: (Counter to a Circular Punch)
This throw can be made after you’ve blocked the attacker’s circular punch and moved into range-two enabling the opponent to be thrown to the ground. This application should be practiced until it flows and can be done automatically.
We practice karate throwing techniques differently than way Judo practices similar throws. The karateka practices them as a means of self-defense.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
Note: The circular punch is the most common attack made by a untrained assailant.
Application of Technique:
Attacker: (Tori)
- Attacker punches with a circular punch.
Defender: (Uke)
- Middle block the circular punch.
- Under-hook the attacker’s armpit after the block.
- Ridge-hand strike the opponent’s throat with your forearm while stepping behind the attacker with your rear leg.
- Throw the opponent.
Karate Jutsu Kuzushi: The ridge-had strike and the step behind happens simultaneously. The strike breaks the attacker’s balance backwards.
Note: Keep your momentum moving forwards or the attacker can counter and throw you.
Note: Your thigh should make contact with uke’s thigh.
Note: Your hips must be even with or past uke’s hips. Your right hip will be one closest to the rear leg you intend to throw uke over.
Note: The under hook traps the opponent, and can be used to turn the opponent’s shoulders.
Note: You must stay in tight and drive your shoulders downward as you reap backwards. Twist your body in the direction of the throw.
- The grip used in this scenario is an under hook.
Warning: Uke must be skilled at the backwards break-fall.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Do not let your head get pushed backwards. Keep your upper-body forwards and throw the attacker with Osoto-otoshi.
Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.