[2.3.8] Seiunchin Section-2 Bunkai: (Counter to a Reverse Punch)

Information: This piece of this section of the Hanto kata is only the twin ridge-hand blocks and twin low blocks.
Information: This is viewed as a standalone series of technique by many instructors.
Note: A lower Shiko-dachi or Kiba-dachi is a throwing stance. There is a fighting stance from a pseudo-Horse stance, but that stance is taller to increase mobility. The problem is that while in a side stance your rear leg and rear arm are not as useful. To use the rear weapons, while in a side stance, the shoulders and hip must be squared. This takes too much time to deliver during a full-on attack. This stance works in point fighting, but this stance is limited during a real physical encounter.
Part-1 Attacker: Lunge Forward and Reverse Punch
- Lunge forward or rush the opponent.
- Execute a Reverse punch while in motion.
Part-2 Defender: Swinging gate and Throw.
Information: The swinging gate is a technique that should be practiced in class. It feels unnatural to move sideways and forward, but training can make the body mind connection.
- Turn sideways and execute the open hand wedge block.
Note: Turning sideways removes all centerline targets. Even if you are struck, it would be a glancing blow. Using your forearms increases protection of these target areas.
- Raise both forearms into a wedge block position.
- After contact with the forearms is made, trap the opponent’s wrist with your (RH).
- Drive your arm across the opponent’s throat and chest (LH).
- Drive your knee into the back of the knee crease of the attacker.
Note: This knee strike can also be to the side of the knee. The purpose of this move is to break the opponent’s balance.
- Drive your forearm downward while slightly rotating your hips.
Note: This is not a strength technique, but if the balance is not broken by the knee strike you can still power through it if you are strong enough.
- Throw the opponent with Tani-otoshi (Valley Drop).
[End Series]