SL1.2 Over the Shoulder Pump Handle Arm-bar:
SL1.2 Over the Shoulder Pump Handle Arm-bar:
Information: Locks are transitional techniques. They’re not meant to end a confrontation. Locks like chokes can be used to throw your opponent. Their main purpose is to control your adversary. A lock can place an attacker in a position where a more devastating technique can be applied. It can also be used to hold an attacker until help can arrive.
Counter: To counter a lock you should roll out of the pressure applied to the joint. The person applying the lock must understand how to prevent the opponent from rolling out of the technique. This can only be done with practice. If you roll into the lock pain will increase.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present
Attacker grabs lapel
- Trap uke’s hand and snap punch to ribs [Loosening-up technique]
- Push his/her trapped arm upwards.
- Turn to the outside of uke’s body.
- Swing your leg in front his/her body.
- Rotate uke’s arm elbow downward.
- Place your shoulder under uke’s bicep just above the elbow and not quite to the armpit.
Note: If your shoulder is under uke’s armpit he/she will bend the elbow and try to roll out of the lock. When this happens, you must throw uke with Ippon Seoi-nage.
- Raise your shoulder by stepping up on your toes as you pull the elbow downward. Hyper extend the elbow joint.
- This technique is affective to get the attacker up on his/her toes.
- Throw the attacker to the ground.
- Apply a final submission technique.