AOKK Isshin ryu: Heel Thrust Kick

AOKK Isshin ryu: Heel Thrust Kick
This kick is just like a Front Thrust Kick in its’ delivery, but the kicking leg hip is thrust forward for power, but a different part of the foot is utilized for this kick. The difference between this and a Front Thrust kick is that the strike is made with the heel and not the ball of the foot. An advantage to this kick is the karateka is less likely to break the small bones of the foot during its’ execution. The downside is by pulling the foot back the karateka’s reach with the kick is significantly reduced.
It is most affective against a charging attacker. It can also be executed if the opponent has grabbed your lapels. If you’re placed in this situation, grasp your opponent by the lapels and immediately execute the kick to upper thigh, solar plexus, or bladder. If one’s opponent grabs the kicking leg, maintain the grasp of the lapels and drop backwards to execute a Tomo-nagi [Stomach Throw].
Note: This kick should begin with the knee moving forward like a front kick to disguise the technique. As the knee passes the support leg the hips drive the kick forwards to generate more power. The striking area of the foot is the heel so the impact is to a smaller area for greater penetration.