MC9.0 Single Forearm Choke: [From the Guarding Position]

MC9.0 Single Forearm Choke: [From the Guarding Position]

This is the first mat choke taught to students because of its’ simplicity. The reality of this choke is that it is merely a hold. Use this temporarily until help can arrive or you can think about proceeding to another technique while uke struggles with this technique.

  • Uke places you in the guarding position.
  • Stand on your toes if possible and drop your body weight on the forearm.
  • Press the forearm into the soft tissue of the throat.
  • Push forward and down.
  • Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

Note: This can also turn into a half cross face hold. This is merely a means of subduing an attacker.

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