ML2.6 Figure Four Birdwing Var-3: (Kimura from the Guard)
ML2.6 Figure Four Birdwing Var-3: (Kimura from the Guard)
This is an option to apply the birdwing or figure-four lock from the guard. This lock can be made standing-up or on your back. If uke pushes away with one or both arms, this opens the technique. Trap one arm and apply the birdwing lock or Kimura.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
Attacker takes you to the ground and uke is placed in a closed guarding position.
- Place uke in the closed guard.
- Pull uke’s head towards your body.
- When he tries to push away, grasp his/her wrist with the arm on the side facing uke.
- Next, rotate your shoulders, and drive your opposite side arm over and under uke’s straight arm and tie-off creating a figure-four lock.
- Once the lock is applied roll to you back pulling uke’s arm behind his/her back.
- Release the lock when uke taps, or help arrives to subdue your attacker
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