Cntr 17.0 Rear Choke Counter with (Birdwing Lock and Tai-otoshi)

[Cntr 17.0] (Rear Choke Counter with Birdwing Lock and Tai-otoshi)
Note: No attacker, using this technique, is going to let you place him/her in a birdwing lock voluntarily. If you do not clear the airway, so you can breathe, the fight is over. After clearing the airway, your response must be painful and to different targets. You may need to crush the attacker’s genitals if they’re male. Get the opponent thinking your counterattack is going to be more linear, and then twist and pull your head free. The birdwing lock is like all locks they’re a temporary solution until you can get help, but in single combat you must be more aggressive and throw the attacker as hard as you can to the ground utilizing the lock. If possible, plant the attacker’s face in the cement. Lastly, you need to leave the scene. If you cannot land the lock, after freeing your head, you must still throw the attacker to the ground and make your exit.
- (Uke) Attacks with a rear choke.
- (Tori)Tuck your chin and get a one hand on the choking forearm to keep the airway open.
Note: Pull down on the attacker’s forearm.
- (Tori) Stomp on the attacker’s foot while driving an elbow into his/her ribs and driving your head backwards into the attacker’s nose.
Note: You may need to crush the attacker’s genitals in a life preservation situation. Keep one hand on the attacker’s forearm with your chin tucked. Always maintain the airway. Step sideways slightly and apply copious amounts of pressure to this centerline target.
- (Tori) Pull down on one of the attacker’s wrists while pushing upwards, with your other hand, on the attacker’s elbow.
- (Tori) Pull your head out of the choke and maintain the grip on the attacker’s arm.
- (Tori) Twist the opponent’s arm into a birdwing lock.
- (Tori) Step in front of the attacker and throw the adversary with a spinning tai-otoshi.
Note: Once the opponent is down you can leave or continue the altercation.