[T15.04] Head Lock/Guillotine Choke Forward Drop Takedown [T15.04] Head Lock/Guillotine Choke Forward Drop Takedown: This is an AOKK special technique.…
[T15.01] Reverse Head-lock Drop [T15.01] Reverse Head-lock Drop If an attacker tries to take you down from behind, and you…
[T14.04] Ouchi-gake: Variation-1 (Major Inner Hooking) [T14.04] Ouchi-gake: Variation-1 (Major Inner Hooking) Translation: (O) Major (Uchi) Inner (Gari) Reaping: This…
[T14.03] Kuchiki-taoshi-soto-gake: Var-3(Single Leg Takedown Outer Heel Hooking) [T14.03] Kuchiki-taoshi-soto-gake: (Single Leg Takedown Outer Heel Hooking) Translation: (Kuchiki) Dead Tree,…
[T14.01] Yoko-gake: (Side Hooking Sacrifice Throw) [T14.01] Yoko-gake: (Side Hooking Sacrifice Throw) Translation: (Yoko) side, (gake) hooking If you’re fighting…
[T14.00] Kawazu-gake: (Minor Inside Hook) [T14.00] Kawazu-gake: (Minor Inside Hook) Translation: (Kawazu), (gake) hook This is a counter throw. Before…
[T13.03] Ura-nage: Variation-2(Side Dumping Throw) [T13.03] Ura-nage: Variation-2(Side Dumping Throw) Translation: (Ura), (Nage) throw This is similar to a wrestling…
[T13.02] Ura-nage: Variation-1(Backwards Suplex) [T13.02] Ura-nage: Variation-1(Backwards Suplex) Translation: (Ura), (Nage) throw This is similar to a wrestling technique called…
[T13.01] Ura-nage: (Face Forward Suplex) [T13.01] Ura-nage: (Face Forward Suplex) Translation: (Ura), (Nage) throw Many unskilled attackers will charge you…
[T13.00] Daki-age: (High Lift Throw) [T13.00] Daki-age: (High Lift Throw) Translation: (Daki) Hugging, (Age) raise This is a throw that…