[4.7.1] Kusanku Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to a Lapel Grasp) Difference between a Lapel Grasp Practice vs. Reality: The karateka needs…
[4.7.0] Kusanku Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to a Lapel Grasp) The Difference between a Lapel Grasp Practice vs. Reality The karateka…
[4.4.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-4: Counter to a Shuto Strike [4.4.0] Kusanku Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to a Shuto Strike [Source:] [Isshin-ryu…
[4.5.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-4: Counter to an Aggressive Reach [4.5.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to an Aggressive Reach) Source:…
[3.4.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-3: Counter to a Lapel Grasp [3.4.0] Kusanku Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grasp Hanto kata:…