[3.4.0] Seisan Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch [3.4.0] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse or Power Punch [Source:]…
[3.3.1] Seisan Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Single Lapel Grasp [3.3.1] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to Lapel Grab [Source:] Non-AOKK Isshin-ryu…
[3.3.2] Seisan Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Double Lapel Grasp [3.3.2] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab [Source:] Okinawan…
[2.2.4] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch [2.2.4] Seisan Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse Punch [Source:] Non-AOKK…
[2.2.0] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch [2.2.0] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse or Power Hand Punch…
[2.5.0] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai: (Counter to a Wrist Grab) [2.5.0] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grab [Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu…
[2.2.3] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai; (Counter to Reverses Punch) [2.2.3] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse or Power Hand Punch [Source:]…
12.1.0 Seisan Bunkai Section-12: Counter to a Kick (Ashi-Yoko-Nage) [12.1.0] Section-12 Bunkai: Counter to Kick (Ashi-Yoko-nage or Foot Side Throw)…
[10.2.0] Seisan Bunkai Section-10: Counter to a Wrist Grab https://youtu.be/BVtIyyusKgg [10.2.0] Seisan Section-10 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grab [Source:]…
[9.7.0, 10.2.0] Seisan Bunkai Section-9 & 10: Counter to a Trapped Back-knuckle with Wrist Release [9.7.0] Seisan Section-9 Kaishaku: (Counter…