Sunsu Kata

Sunsu Kata: Tatsuo’s Kata [Strong Man Kata]
Sunsu Kata Series 0:
Series 0; [Bow]
This is a symbol of respect and acknowledgement. The bow is done with eyes forward. The hands touch the side of your karate-gi pants with fingers straight and thumbs tucked. The hand rotates to the front of the thighs as you bend forward in the bow and return to the side as you straighten up.
The salutation is also a technique. The simplest explanation is that the salutation is merely representative of Isshin-ryu philosophy. Step 1-3 showing I have no weapons. Step 4 the hammer shield or symbolic of karate is my secret weapon

Sunsu Kata Series 2:
Series 2: [Double Spear-finger Strike]
- Shuffle double spear-finger strike, and grab and pull back closing the open hands into fists with tension [in a ripping movement].
- Shuffle double spear-finger strike, and grab and pull back closing the open hands into fists with tension [in a ripping movement].

Sunsu Kata Series 3:
Series 3: [Right Forearm Block Punch Right & Left]
- Step backwards with the left leg into a Seisan-dachi.
- Parry block and right middle forearm block.
- Vertical snap punch left.
- Vertical snap punch right.

Sunsu Kata Series 4:
Series 4: [Point to the Sky]
- Turn CCW counterclockwise into a horse stance.
- Place the arms in front and push the arms upward with fingers pointing to the sky.
- Shuto wedge block outward.

Sunsu Kata Series 5:
Series 5: [Low Knife-hand Strike While Right-hand Remains in the Air]
- Turn CCW into a left Seisan-dachi and execute a left low knife-hand strike palm down. The right hand remains in the air.
- Rotate the shoulders and right-hand shuto strike palm-up. Chamber the left hand.
- Right-hand palm-heel pressing block. Spear-finger strike palm-up with the right hand.
Note: the spear-finger strike, to the throat, is delivered always with the palm up. This is because the natural response to being struck in the throat is to drop the chin to protect this soft tissue area. If your strike is palm down the chin can hyper extend the finger joints, and make it difficult to pull the hand back.

Sunsu Kata Series 6:
Series 6: [Knife-hand Strike]
- Turn CW 180 degrees and knife hand strike with the right-hand palm down.
- Chamber the right-hand, and Spear-finger strike to the attacker’s throat with the left hand.

Sunsu Kata Series 7:
Series 7:[45˚ Blade Kick Right & Left]
- Step back into Musubi dachi, and stack both fists on the right hip, and forty-five-degree blade kick left.
Note: It is acceptable to execute sidekicks or forty-five-degree blade kicks.
- Step back into Musubi dachi, and stack both fists on the left hip, and forty-five-degree blade kick right.
Note: AOKK Sidekicks or blade kicks can be performed in this series. Kichiro Shimabuku, Tatsuo Shimabuku, Angi Uezu, and Harold Mitchum sensei performs high flip kicks to the side.

Sunsu Kata Series 8:
Series 8:[Double Shuto Guarding Block & Three Vertical Spear-finger Strikes]
- Step into a left Seisan-dachi and go into a double shuto guarding position.
- Step into a right Seisan-dachi and execute three vertical spear finger strikes.
Note: The rhythm is the same as upper body exercise eleven and twelve.
Note: Spear-finger strikes require specialized training.

Sunsu Kata Series 9:
Series 9:[Cat Stance With a Vertical Back-Fist then High-Block and Low-Block]
- Pull back and turn counter-clockwise 180 degrees into a cat stance, and stack your hands on your right hip.
- Step out into a Seisan stance on the oblique and execute a vertical back-fist.
Note: The back-knuckle is a snapping technique and not a power technique. It’s the back-knuckle’s speed that inflicts the damage and not the force.
- Twist into a crane stance, right foot behind the left, and execute a right knife-hand strike palm up. The left hand is pulled to the forehead in what looks like a salute.
Note: In other versions of this form the hand is held behind the head palm-up.
- Step forward and right front kick step down into a right Seisan-dachi
- The left-hand closes into a fist, and remains in a high block position.
- Execute a right low block. The left hand remains in an Isshin-ryu high block during execution of the low block.
- Double High/Low blocks or scissor blocks. The right-hand high blocks and the left-hand blocks low with a traditional block. This is followed by the left-hand high blocks and the right-hand low blocks with a traditional block.
Note: This Scissor block can be done with the fists in the more vertical positions too. Tatsuo Shimabuku, Kichiro Shimabuku, Arcenio Advicula, sensei perform this move with the fists in the vertical position.
Note: I was taught the horizontal positioning, but the fist position may have been changed for tournament competition. The vertical position would have been viewed as a mistake in the seventies by traditional stylists. However, the above student performed this kata at the Isshin-ryu World Championships when they were held in Princeton New Jersey (2016) and took first place in her black-belt division, and she used the horizontal position. There may be some latitude in the delivery of the technique. Truthfully, just because she placed first in the competition, does not mean the technique was correctly delivered.

Sunsu Kata Series 10:
Series 10:[Middle Shuto Guarding Block: Low Side Kick]
- Turn CCW 180 degrees into a Seisan-dachi and execute a middle shuto guarding block.
- Elbow Strike and chamber fists while twisting into a cranes stance. Place the left leg over the right leg.
- Side kick with the back leg.
Note: I’ve seen the technique delivered with more variations than I thought possible. Kichiro Shimabuku sensei performs a low side thrusting kick. Arcenio Advincula sensei performs a heel thrust kick.

Sunsu Kata Series 11:
Series 11:[U Shape Punch Left : U Shape Punch Right : High Twin Forearm Block]
- Step down into a right foot forward Seisan Stance & U shape punch right hand low and left hand high.
- Step forward into a left foot forward Seisan Stance & right U shape Punch.
- Shuffle backwards and high twin forearm block.
Note: These two punches can be performed horizontally or vertically. Isshin-ryu performs then vertically. The old traditional way of delivering this strike was horizontal. Tatsuo Shimabuku Kichiro Shimabuku, Angi Uezu, sensei performs these punches vertically.
Note: I was taught horizontally, but the positioning may have again been changed for tournament competition.

Sunsu Kata Series 12:
Series 12: [Squat Round Kick Left and Right]
- Stack fists on right hip and Squat Round Kick with left leg.
- Stack fists on left hip and Squat Round Kick with right leg.

Sunsu Kata Series 13:
Series 13a:[Palm-up Grasp of the Obi and Elbow Strike]
- Turn clockwise (CW) 90 degrees into a right foot forward Seisan-dachi.
- Palm up shuto strike with the left hand while the right hand goes above the shoulder.
- Pull the left hand back to the obi and strike with the point of the right elbow. Follow this strike with a left and right horizontal elbow strike like upper-body fifteen.
Note: Grabbing the obi (belt) was a common self-defense practice in the past. It makes breaking someone’s balance easy. It can also damage the lower back.
Series 13b:[Palm-up Grasp of the Obi and Elbow Strike}
- Turn counterclockwise (CCW) 180 degrees into a left-foot forward Seisan-dachi.
- Palm up shuto strike with the right-hand while the left-hand goes above the shoulder.
- Pull the right-hand back to the obi and strike with the point of the left elbow. Follow this strike with a right and right horizontal elbow strike like upper-body fifteen.
Series 13c:[Shuto guarding Position and Elbow Strikes]
- Turn clockwise (CCW) 180 degrees into a left foot forward Kokutsu-dachi.
- Execute a middle guarding shuto block.
- Step forwards into Seisan-dachi right leg forward.
- Strike with a left and right horizontal elbow strike.

Sunsu Kata Series 14:
Series 14:[Back-hand Slap Stopping the Hand Above the Knee : Palm-up Groin Strike : Spinning Elbow Strike]
- Turn CCW 180 degrees into a left foot forward back stance. [Kokutsu dachi]
- Execute a Shuto guarding position.
- Next drop the right hand palm up just above the knee and chamber the left hand.
- Step forward with the right leg into a Seisan-dachi forward walking stance.
- Execute a right palm up groin strike and close the fist to crush the groin.
Note: To effectively attack the groin the testicles must be slapped upward against the trunk of the body. Hitting then straight on many times, has little or no affect.
- Spin CCW 360 degrees into a horse stance
- Execute a spinning reverse elbow.

Sunsu Kata Series 15:
Series 15:[Fireman’s Carry or Shoulder Throw : Low Palm Pressing Block]
- Pull back into a back stance [Kokutsu-dachi].
- Execute a high shuto block, and low palm forward block.
Note: The R-H is in a high shuto above the forehead, and the L-H is just above the knee palm-up.
- Shuffle forward in the back stance, and dive the left hand forward.
- Turn clockwise CW 180 degrees into a horse stance, and execute a low left hand palm heel pressing block.
Note: This palm-heel pressing block is symbolic of driving the attacker to the ground after the throw.

Sunsu Kata Series 16:
Series 16:[Shoulder Strike and Back-knuckle Strike]
- Place your fists on your hips.
- Dip the right shoulder down and back.
- Back-knuckle Strike.
Note: Trap the attacker’s punch with the rear hand and dislocate the attacker’s elbow with the shoulder, and back fist strike the attacker’s head

Sunsu Kata Series 17:
Series 17: [Grasp Opponent’s Obi , Heel Thrust Kick]
- Step forward into a crane stance left over right and grasp the attacker’s obi with two hands palm-up.
- Execute a right leg scooping heel thrust kick.

Sunsu Kata Series 18:
Series 18: [Palm-heel, Knee Strike, Vertical Punch]
- Turn CW 180 degrees into a left foot forward Seisan-dachi,
- Grab the attacker’s obi with the right hand and pull him/her forward.
- Next palm heel strike with the left hand and execute a right leg knee strike.
- When the knee sets down execute, execute a right vertical snap punch.
- Turn CCW 180 degrees into a right foot forward Seisan-dachi,
- Grab the attacker’s obi with the left hand and pull him/her forward.
- Next palm heel strike with the right hand and execute a left leg knee strike.
- When the knee sets down execute, execute a left vertical snap punch.

Sunsu Kata Series 19:
Series 19: [Crane Stance, Simultaneous High and Low Block]
- The right leg steps behind the left into a crane stance while turning CW 90 degrees.
- The left hand moves into a high forearm block while the right hand executes a low block.
- While in the crane stance execute a right front kick.
- Step down after the right front kick and turn 180 degrees into a crane stance left leg behind the right, while the right hand moves into a high forearm block while the left hand executes a low block.

Sunsu Kata Series 20:
Series 20: [Middle Knife-hand Guarding Block]
- Step forward into a left foot forward Seisan-dachi and execute a left hand forward middle knife hand guarding block.
- Step forward into a right foot forward Seisan-dachi and execute a right hand forward middle knife hand guarding block.

Sunsu Kata Series 21:
Series 22: [Bow]
- Step back into a ready stance, and bow.